Early Years assessment
For children in pre-school or reception, this service usually includes an observation at nursery/school, developmental questionnaires and a parent/teacher consultation so that a shared understanding can be developed of their strengths and needs and a way forward can be agreed. You will receive a detailed Early Years EP report with recommendations.
EP Observation & Consultation
This service includes an observation at school followed by a detailed solution-focused discussion about your child so that a shared understanding can be developed of their strengths and needs, and a way forward can be agreed. You will receive a detailed EP Consultation Note with recommendations.
EP school-age assessment
A detailed assessment of your child's strengths and needs, designed around your specific questions and concerns. It may include consultation, observation, questionnaires, individual assessment with your child. You will receive a detailed EP report with recommendations.
EP Pupil Views & Consultation
This service includes a meeting with your child to gather their views about themselves, their learning and school experiences. It is followed by a detailed solution-focused discussion with parents/carers and school staff, so that a shared understanding can be developed of their support needs, and a way forward can be agreed. You will receive a EP Consultation Note with recommendations.